Sunday, February 23, 2025

Adult-Like Wonder

We often hear the expression "child-like wonder".  It needs no explanation. We have all seen the awe on children's faces when they see a butterfly or a rainbow or a falling star. I believe we should never lose that wonder and curiosity about life.
The photo is of the Rose Window at the Cathédral Notre Dame de Reims. (Did you know many of the Gothic cathedrals in France are named for "Our Lady"? Not just the one in Paris.). 

I must confess that I am in total awe of these creations. I can never pass up the chance to go inside a church in France.  Large or small, they hold a fascination I find hard to explain. I can't wait to visit Notre Dame de Paris and see for myself all of her splendor renewed!  Over 2,000 artisans worked painstakingly for five years to restore her to her original beauty! I watched every video I could as the day approached for the grand opening. I was in total awe of the work they were doing.  

I feel fortunate to live in a region of the world that has so much natural beauty. I simply have to look out my window to see Pikes Peak which is today covered with snow.  And I am encouraged by the blue blue sky and the sunshine. 

I was at the zoo yesterday and loved seeing all of the amazing animals who call Colorado Springs their home. I am especially in awe of the big cats. They are so majestic and elegant.
My gorgeous Elsa will be 10 in June 

The majestic Ouray. It breaks my heart that she will never fly. She came to us with a severely broken wing that had to be amputated. She would never have survived without human intervention. She is the epitome of beauty, resilience and strength. Those are qualities of which I am always in awe.

What causes you to feel that child-like wonder? Amazing geographical features, flora, fauna, human creativity? There are so many wonders in - and out of - this world. I challenge you to find time to step outside of your everyday life to find joy, passion and amazement. Find those butterflies, rainbows and falling stars. It will do you a world of good!

Thank you for including me in a small part of your day. I do so appreciate your time. Merci!

Sunday, February 9, 2025

Uh-Oh, Ouch and Oh Là Là

Hi! Gwinnie here. Mommy asked me to help write this week's blog post since my life has been filled with uh-ohs, ouches and oh là làs. When she wrote the first post of this title it was about all the things she went through to get her old house ready to sell. She was a crazy woman (imo) to scrape off popcorn ceilings and redo wood floors! And all that painting! Wow! She was really motivated to move to France! You know what motivates me?  Food!!
Anyway, back to the post and my stories of challenges and victories. I want to start with the oh là làs. I was adopted!  By the best mommy in the whole wide world and have a brother and sister who love me. I have a big backyard with lots of flowers and herbs and trees and bushes. Until 4 years ago I never knew those things existed. See, I spent the first 7 years of my life in a cage in a terrible place called a puppy mill having lots of babies so the owners could make lots of money. I got fed the least amount of the cheapest food possible with no medical care. (That's probably why I am so motivated by food!) So, hooray for being adopted and having a home and a couch and a bed and toys and warmth and I'm clean and loved on! This is a photo of the first time I met Max and Bella at the rescue. It was love at first sight! But I have had my share of uh-ohs and ouches. Just a week or so after coming home with mommy she noticed I was coughing and wheezing when I got excited or energetic. The vet said I had a partially collapsed trachea for which I now take meds twice a week. That controls it really well! No more coughing and wheezing for me! Then I started holding out my right leg and only using the other three. The vet said my luxating patella was getting worse and I needed surgery. About a year after that the other leg started bothering me so I had that knee fixed, too!
So now my throat and my legs are great! But then about 18 months ago I developed diabetes. That was pretty scary for mommy, but the insulin works great for me. Twice a day after morning and afternoon meals. I lost a lot of weight so I get extra meals that Max and Bella don't get to have! 
Mommy was worried that she would never be able to travel again because she would have to find a sitter who knew how to give insulin shots. And then we found Tera! Yay! However, there's a new problem. I went blind over the course of about 6 weeks. I have cataracts on both eyes. It happened so fast! All because of the diabetes.  As Mommy was deciding if she could afford cataract surgery for me I got really sick last week. I had a severe gastro intestinal infection and ended up spending the night at the emergency vet hospital. I got to come home the next day feeling so much better! The cost was pretty crazy! 
But my mommy loves me and wants me to have a good quality of life so I get to have the cataracts removed in 2 weeks and I will be able to see again. Mommy has had to help me so much since I went blind. I can get up on the couch and the bed without help but then I get disoriented once I'm up there and can't get down by myself. She has to take me outside at night because I am totally disoriented out there. I will be able to run and jump and play fetch again!! It will be wonderful!
So, you see, I have had my share of uh-ohs and ouches in my lifetime but I am definitely living the oh là làs now! I'm so happy! Mommy calls me resilient. I don't know what that means but I think it means I love my life now more than anything else in the whole wide world!!
Mommy said to be sure to thank you all for reading my blog post. Maybe I'll do it again sometime. Or maybe Max or Bella will want to tell you their stories.  Whatever bumps you have a long the way I hope you have a family that loves you and will keep you safe and happy. 😊💕

Sunday, February 2, 2025

My Ongoing Love Affair

In the original post of this title I spoke of my love of France and why it has always (since the 8th grade) had a pull on me. I do love everything about France - the history, literature, art, architecture, music, food, culture. I love the slower pace and that they still take 2 hours to have lunch! What a very civilized (and healthy) habit! 
Since returning to Colorado I have renewed my other love affair and that is with God's creatures - great and small.
I love going to the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo! I love my weekly visits with my special zoo friends. By now most of the animals know me and the gorillas will come to the window to "visit". Asha, our 31 year old female is especially friendly. She loves to see what's in my purse. She will sit in front of me with her legs crossed and wait to look inside. On occasion she will pull up her stool to sit on so she can see the photos on my phone. I adore her and feel so humbled that she wants to spend time with me. I know all of our gorillas and enjoy their personalities but Asha and I seem to have a special connection. I remember when she was born! 
My other "love" at the zoo is Elsa, one of our 9 year old "cubs". I have loved her since she was born! She has two brothers but she was always the most curious and the the most feisty. And the most agile! She figured out how to jump up onto the deck (where mom, Lomela, would hang out to get a break from her three kids) long before her brothers did. You could tell how pleased she was with her new-found ability. She would jump up there with Mom and then look down on the boys as it to say "nanny nanny boo boo". The boys were not happy!
Else is also Daddy's Girl. She still loves wrestling with him and cuddling up to him when they sleep. 
The zoo has become my happy place. Its a special feeling to spend time there. I always learn something new which makes my visits even more special. 
I do visit with all the animals, but I spend the most time with Asha and Elsa. Although lions don't really visit! Ha! But I know she knows me and recognizes my voice.  If she's in the outdoor habitat and I call to her from the upper visitor deck she always turns to see me. 
My other love is, of course, is dogs. Especially my three whom I will write about in a later post.
We all need love and compassion in our daily lives. I feel blessed to be only 15 minutes away from one of the top rated zoos in the nation.  And three lovely rescue dogs are always excited to greet me when I get home.
I will always have a passion for France! Once I'm  back from a visit I'm ready to play my next one.
Find your passion, whether near or far, and you will find joy.
Thank you for taking the time to read my blog. Merci infinement!!