Sunday, December 11, 2016

Road Trip Part 3 - The Zoo

     I hope you don't mind that I have spread out my road trip info and photos for 3 weeks now.  I crammed so much into those 2 full days that it seemed easier to separate the adventure according to themes.  Part 1 started with the Middle Ages, Part 2 continued with the Renaissance and now we come to modern times and one of the "most beautiful zoos in the world", le Zooparc de Beauval.
     It was a chilly overcast day when CoCo and I arrived at the zoo.  I bundled myself and her up as well as I could and put her in her little bag and we entered a wonderful land of animals of all kinds - 8,000 of them with more than 600 different species!  The zoo has done a wonderful job of creating a kind of forest that you walk through and I'm sure in the summer months it must be absolutely beautiful with all the trees, plants, shrubs and flowers.  It is really lush! 
     The zoo sits on about 70 acres and is well laid out.  They are still adding more and better areas for their animals.  They are one of the few zoos anywhere in the world that has giant pandas.  And I've never seen manatees outside of aquariums.  They have six of them!  My Cheyenne Mountain Zoo friends will be interested to know that the Zoo de Beauval is active in the Species Survival Plan for Europe and their zoo has over 400 births a year to be able to help out with that very needed plan for endangered animals.
     I saw so much that I don't really know where to begin.  So I guess I'll just start with the order of my photos.  And, of course, I love all the babies!  Rhinos and giraffes and zebras.  Most animals were inside because of the cold weather.


     They have animals I've never seen before, like this adorable "Bat-eared fox"!
     And three species of tigers - a white Siberian, Bengal and Sumatran.

And then there were the penguins and sea lions!

     And they have three lion cubs - two males and one female - just like my babies back home!  And almost the same age.  I was so excited to see them along with their handsome daddy.

The boys just hanging out -  like daddy

All three babies!
     I wish it had been warmer so the primates could have been outside enjoying their huge playgrounds - one for the gorillas, one for the orangutans and one for the chimpanzees.  As it was they were all stuck inside.  But had really nice indoor enclosures.
The Gorillas' outdoor playground

The Chimpanzees outdoor area
Inside with one of the babies - they have 7 under the age of three!

One of the two magnificent silverback males

A play area for the younger gorillas

Also part of the gorilla house.

The giant aquarium with giant fish!

And Manatees!

           The chimps and orangutans were in a different building across from the gorillas and the aquarium.
It's a long time since I've seen chimps.  They are always entertaining!

The juveniles were having a grand time!
The Oran's indoor exhibit - nice and warm in here!

    The stars of the zoo seem to be the giant pandas.  The zoo created a whole new exhibit area which is really beautifully decorated, just for their two pandas.
In the China area
And here he is!

They are amazing to see in person!
     Some of the animals prefer the cold so they were pretty happy outside.  Although I do think the macaques were a wee bit chilly as I watched them huddle together for warmth!

The snow leopards were playing

The pumas were prowling
     At one point in the day, I decided to get some lunch at the only zoo restaurant that is open in off-season.  (They have four or five restaurants and many more snack areas on the zoo's 70 acres which are open only during the busy season.)  Eating at a zoo in France is very different from eating at a zoo in the US.  No hotdogs or hamburgers for the French.  There was a "menu" which means for a set price you get your choice of main dish, one side dish and drink (plus dessert and coffee for a small extra fee).  The main dishes offered were braised beef tips in wine sauce, turkey cutlet in cream gravy, grilled spicy sausages.  The side dishes were orzo with asparagus tips, green beans, or french fries.  Drinks were sodas, juices, wine, beer, bottled water, hot teas (iced tea does not exist in Europe!) or coffee.  The desserts were different pastries and tarts or a plate with cheese and fruit.  Oh my!!  In case you're wondering I chose the beef tips with the orzo and a coke.  But no dessert this time.
     The zoo was really wonderful.  I'd like to return when the weather is warmer!  But it was a fun experience and I'm so glad I went.  And I'm glad you have decided to join me on all these adventures.  Next week I'll talk about Christmas in France and share with you some photos of the outdoor Christmas markets around here.  They are "magnifique!!  Until next week!  Merci!

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