Sunday, January 26, 2025

Distractions, I Mean Balance

i had other plans for today's blog post but after the news I received this morning I feel a need to speak about love, forgiveness and acceptance.
The original post of this title from 10 years ago was about work vs play and how important it is to balance that to keep one healthy in every way. But I didn't include any mention of the importance of  relationships in that post. 
We all need others in our lives and we should not allow politics or religion or even cultural differences to determine who our friends are. Or to use as an excuse to strip people of our love.
As I write this my sweet (unofficial.) god daughter is in a medically induced coma in California. I have known her for her entire life. Her older brother is  one of Andy's dearest friends. Her mother is someone I love dearly but feel like we are far apart geographically and in many other ways. 
Especially at difficult times we should gather as much love around us as we can. We need to learn to forgive and accept that we will never agree on everything but our differences should not alienate us from people who have been in our lives for many years. 
I know as we get older and life experiences change our views we often see others in a different light. And it's okay to acknowledge that. I know that feelings get hurt and that can distance us and change how we feel about the other person. 
But I hope and pray that we will not turn our back on the person who may truly need our love . Or refuse to let the other person make amends. 
I do know there are some bridges that can never be rebuilt. But hatred and hard feelings should be put behind us or they will destroy us and affect every relationship we have now and in the future.
As sweet Brittany lies in ICU in California I pray not only for her but for her family to be able to feel all the love that is coming her way and that it can be a healing time for all of them who should be bringing as much love to her as is possible. I pray that those who have been alienated for whatever reason will be allowed to show their love for Brittany. It is true that those closest to us can hurt us the most. Those slights are the most painful and words once spoken can not be taken back. 
In times of sorrow and depression and hard times we need our friends and family. Even though Brittany is in a coma I know she can feel the love and I'm sure it would mean a lot to her if all of her family could gather round her in love.
My friends, as long as there is life there is hope for repairing friendships and family relationships. We all need love and acceptance, especially from those we consider to be family. 
This is a new year. Every day is a choice - to choose love and acceptance or hate and divisiveness. I count my blessings every day and can't imagine my life without all the love that surrounds me. I hope I can show that choice in every word and action.
Please pray for Brittany and her family. Choose love. Thank you for taking the time to read this post. 

Sunday, January 19, 2025

But Why, You May Ask

Why do columbines come in different colors? Why do they seem to like that spot in my yard? Why do I love animals so much? Why are the mountains so tall?
If you've ever spent much time around a three year old you know that's one of their favorite questions. They are trying to figure out how this world works - how their world works. As we get older we seem to lose that curiosity which is sad. 
I had many people questioning my desire to live in France. Why do you want to live there? Why don't you want to live in the US anymore? Aren't you afraid of terrorists? (This was just after the attacks in Paris and Nice) 
(This restaurant near my cottage became a favorite!)

I decided I would blame it on my dad's innate curiosity of life. In my original post of this name in January of 2015, I wrote about an adventure we had on a camping trip. An old deserted log cabin far off the beaten path. My dad - who would have been happy living the life of a mountain hermit - was in awe of everything he saw. While it just looked old and broken down and filthy to me and mom, Daddy could see the cabin as it was when it was first built. My dad could see the beauty and the promise of a life in the mountains that the builder must have felt as he examined everything with humble respect.
I have inherited his sense of wonder in new experiences. Having traveled to France numerous times during my teaching career I knew that France was someplace I would always have marvelous experiences. And I couldn't wait for those experiences to begin.
I hope we can all keep that child-like curiosity and keep wanting to know what's around that next bend! I loved all the adventures I had while living in France. I always look forward to my next visit. France has endless adventures waiting for me! 
But one can find awe and adventures in so many places. And I pray that all of us can find new adventures in 2025. Experiences that pique our curiosity and lead us to ask "why". Questions that will take us out of the mundane to search for answers that will bring us to a greater understanding of our world and the beauty around us.
Thank you for reading my blog. Your comments are always appreciated!  A bientôt, mes amis!

Lists and More Lists

(If I were to list all the things I love about living in Colorado this blue blue sky would be at the top!)
I have a confession to make. I am obsessed with making lists.  My lists are made by putting pen or pencil to paper and writing down what I need to remember. I need that kinesthetic action of brain to hand to pen to paper. It's just not the same if I try to type it into my phone.  
I have always been a visual kinesthetic learner and nothing works better than writing things down. I still use a physical day planner (this year's planner has Impressionist paintings) that sits on the desk (that my dad made when he was in high school!) where I can see it every time I pass by and can be reminded of what I need to do today and in the days to come.  
When I'm preparing for a trip I have numerous lists going - in the living room, the bedroom, the bathroom, the kitchen - so that when I think of something I can immediately add it to the closest list.
I do have packing lists that stay in my luggage and in my carry-on. But there are lots of things that need to happen for me to be ready to leave my house and my dogs for any amount of time. 
As you can imagine I had looonnnggg lists leading up to my move to France. So much that had to be done! You can read about the beginning of those lists in my original post. (Click on the Web version icon at the end of this post. Find 2015. Then January)
But all the lists in the world can't prepare you for an emergency like the one that hit me in July. That was so much more than a bend in the road! That was a major detour!!  As the poet Robert Burns wrote, "the best laid plans of mice and men do often go awry." But I'm happy to say I'm back to making lists again as I plan for the future. (I do look forward to the day that there are no more doctors appointments for the week ahead!)
And I am proud to say that I keep the pen, pencil and paper manufacturers in business 😊
Thank you for taking the time to read my blog!  A bientôt, mes amis!