Sunday, January 19, 2025

Lists and More Lists

(If I were to list all the things I love about living in Colorado this blue blue sky would be at the top!)
I have a confession to make. I am obsessed with making lists.  My lists are made by putting pen or pencil to paper and writing down what I need to remember. I need that kinesthetic action of brain to hand to pen to paper. It's just not the same if I try to type it into my phone.  
I have always been a visual kinesthetic learner and nothing works better than writing things down. I still use a physical day planner (this year's planner has Impressionist paintings) that sits on the desk (that my dad made when he was in high school!) where I can see it every time I pass by and can be reminded of what I need to do today and in the days to come.  
When I'm preparing for a trip I have numerous lists going - in the living room, the bedroom, the bathroom, the kitchen - so that when I think of something I can immediately add it to the closest list.
I do have packing lists that stay in my luggage and in my carry-on. But there are lots of things that need to happen for me to be ready to leave my house and my dogs for any amount of time. 
As you can imagine I had looonnnggg lists leading up to my move to France. So much that had to be done! You can read about the beginning of those lists in my original post. (Click on the Web version icon at the end of this post. Find 2015. Then January)
But all the lists in the world can't prepare you for an emergency like the one that hit me in July. That was so much more than a bend in the road! That was a major detour!!  As the poet Robert Burns wrote, "the best laid plans of mice and men do often go awry." But I'm happy to say I'm back to making lists again as I plan for the future. (I do look forward to the day that there are no more doctors appointments for the week ahead!)
And I am proud to say that I keep the pen, pencil and paper manufacturers in business ๐Ÿ˜Š
Thank you for taking the time to read my blog!  A bientรดt, mes amis!


  1. We must be cut from the same cloth!!๐Ÿค—

  2. The first half of this could’ve come word for word from my pen! ๐Ÿ–Š️ ๐Ÿ“ Caryl T
