Sunday, March 2, 2025

Update on Gwinnie - and Bella is a Great Pyrenées?

My sweet Gwinnie had her cataracts removed last week.  She got over her intestinal infection just in time for surgery! Dr Best is a wonderful canine opthalmologist. She and her team are very caring and took really good care of her the entire time.
I took her in at 10:30 last Wednesday and stayed with her for the 2 hour pre-op eye drops. They also were monitoring her blood sugar. They took her into the operating room at 12:30 to begin removal of the left cataract first. She wanted to check the health of that eye before we made the decision to do the right. Dr Best said it would take about 30 minutes and then she would come out and let me know about doing the right one.
I decided to make a quick lunch run - a Wendy's was just a few blocks away and I could eat quick and get back before Dr Best need to talk to me about the second cataract removal.
So I ate fast and rushed back. The assistant came in and said they hadn't started yet because Gwinnie didn't want to go to sleep!! It was taking a long time for her to close her eyes!!  Little stinker! Finally a little after one they were able to begin.
30 minutes later Dr Best came to tell me that everything looked good and I told her to go ahead and do the second eye. Around 2:30 they brought me a really groggy Gwinnie with new eyes!!  She has a cone she will have to wear for at least two weeks and 3 eye drops that have to be given multiple times a day. She hates the cone and the eye meds! 
Boy, am I glad I use a grooming sling to do her insulin shots (she won't stand still for those either!) So I put her in the sling, give her the right eye drops for the right time of day and reward her with treats. Of course, Max and Bella get treats, too!
Here's Gwinnie with her new eyes
She is one tough momma!! She has a one week follow-up on Wednesday. It's great that she can.see! I don't know yet how much or how far she can see but she can certainly see my hand coming towards her holding a treat!
Now, about Bella. I used an Embark DNA test on her. I have been curious, for the 7 years that I've had her, regarding her parentage. NMDR had no info on her or her siblings because some unexpected man in Arkansas walked over to our rescue van when it was parked, said "I hear you're picking up dogs. Here's mine", handed them a box with three puppies in it, turned around and walked off. I fell in love with her when I saw a picture of her on the rescue van! Her's was the first rescue I helped with after I started volunteering at NMDR.  She grew so fast and changed so much in the next few months. But what a beauty! It didn't really matter to me what her breeds were but, as I said, I have always been curious.
And here's the big reveal!
19% Great Pyrenées???  I always knew she had hound in her as that's pretty obvious in her body shape and behaviors. I suspected a bully breed because she has a definite stubborn streak and is super affectionate. But I'm stumped about the GP!
But, she is one perfect pup no matter what. And here's a photo of Max as it isn't right that I leave him out!
I feel so blessed to have these three sweet pups in my life. 
Thank you for taking the time to read today's blog post. I appreciate all of you and I hope you have a dog or two or three in your lives, too! 


  1. They are all beauties. Happy to hear surgery went well.

  2. So happy that Gwinnie can see again! I love getting their DNA results too ... but, like you said, it doesn't change anything no matter what the results are. 🥰🐾
